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Our Mission

Our Mission...helping people find and follow Jesus.

We're a diverse group of people intentionally embracing who God has made each of us to be while discovering and living in the love of Jesus Christ.

We’re working at building a community that follows His way of life, a way that models love demonstrated through inclusion. At Hope, followers of Jesus are fully included in all aspects of the life, leadership, and sacraments of the church regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We think the truth about life just may be love and love just may be the way.

Our Values

Jesus is life. The rest is details.

Jesus Christ alone is our hope, and the only real and lasting hope for the world We love him. For this reason, we don't apologize for the gospel or for putting our relationship with him first in our lives. We strive to respond faithfully to the call of Jesus to follow him above all else in this world, which so often competes for our time, energy and attention.


Luke 14:15-24, John 14:6, Romans 1:16.

Lost people matter to God and so they matter to us. 

Jesus was sent to reconcile a lost world to God and he calls us to do the same. We like unchurched people, and we know what a difference Jesus can make in their lives. 

For this reason, we seek to reach out to the world around us and share the everlasting love of Jesus Christ.


Luke 15:1-32, Matthew 28:19-20, John 20:21, 1 Corinthians 9:19-27. 

We worship God, not tradition.

Where tradition helps to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and further the mission of our church, we embrace it. Where tradition becomes a wall between God and his people, we seek to tear it down. While the gospel message of Jesus Christ remains unchanged, the manner in which it is proclaimed must change for it to be communicated effectively in a changing world. 


In our worship and in our ministry, we intentionally offer a wide variety of options from traditional to contemporary and we remain open to new waves of innovation sent to the church by the Holy Spirit of God - all for the sake of Christian mission.


Hebrews 13:8, John 2:13-22, Matthew 23:13-36, John 9:1-41, Mark 2:21-22, Psalm 146-150, Acts 2:1-42.

Following Jesus is a growing experience. 

We can't outgrow Christian faith. As modern-day disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to move from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity. For this reason, we strive to bring people into an ever-growing relationship with Jesus Christ. This growth best happens in groups. 


As we grow in faith, we turn our hearts to God, giving of ourselves and our resources -- freely and cheerfully.


Philippians 3:13-14, Ephesians 4:12-14, 2 Corinthians 9:7, Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:42-47.

We are one body, united in Jesus Christ.

We are a church of individuals, different in many ways, yet called together by God to be one in ministry and mission. As members of the same body, we become more effective when we work in harmony as a unified whole. 

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